Alert: New Tajiguas Resolution and Policy


On June 19, the Board of Supervisors is considering adopting a resolution and policy that they won’t expand the Tajiguas Landfill or site a new landfill on the Gaviota Coast when Tajiguas reaches capacity. This is an important step to protecting the Gaviota Coast into the future.

In addition, the Board is also preparing to approve and fund a new trail on the Gaviota Coast at Baron Ranch. The new trail will connect the coast to Camino Cielo above in the Los Padres National Forest. Once completed, the trail will be opened to public for hiking, biking and equestrian use 7 days a week. The Board will commit up to $130,000 to fully fund and expedite completion of this project.

Finally, the Board will initiate the preparation of a comprehensive master plan for the 1000 acre Baron Ranch, including opportunities for public input. The final plan will focus on expanding recreational opportunities, protecting open space and promoting agriculture on the County’s Baron Ranch.

Action Requested:

Send emails to: [email protected] for the Board of Supervisors hearing, Monday, June 19

Message: I support the resolution pledging to not expand Tajiguas Landfill, opening the Baron Ranch Trail and initiating a master planning process for Baron Ranch

Sample Email Message:

  • I support the proposed actions for Item # A-46 on the Board’s June 19 agenda.
  • The Gaviota Coast has provided a location for our solid waste for many decades, and should be closed when filled.
  • I/we support opening the Baron Ranch Trail to Camino Cielo as quickly as possible. Our community needs more trails, especially in light of the closure of other trails in Montecito.
  • The County should dedicate Baron Ranch for public recreational use.