Gaviota Coast Conservancy Membership

Your tax-deductible donation (or monthly recurring donation of $4 or more) enrolls you for one year as a Gaviota Coast Conservancy Member, with special status and opportunities, including:

  • invites to exclusive Gaviota hikes and adventures
  • advocacy updates
  • our biannual Coastlines newsletter
  • members-only event invites
  • and especially a stronger Gaviota Coast Conservancy to better protect our beautiful and unique coastline
  • Monthly Membership

    Your monthly recurring contribution of any amount protects this globally unique biodiversity hotspot

  • Monthly up to Two Years

    Monthly (up to 24) installment payments (any amount) to support GCC

  • One Year Member

    Receive news and invitations to events, hearings and happenings with this one-time $50 Membership for one year

  • Annual Membership

    Annually recurring $50 membership, for ease; with exclusive invitations, hikes, events, and news

  • Student, Senior and Low Income Membership

    Become a member at a reduced level of $15/year for students, seniors and low income